Monday 10 January 2011

Dear Karl Turner

Dear Karl Turner,

As my MP, I would like to urge you to support the various amendments
which have been proposed to the European Union Bill by various of your
parliamentary colleagues. While it would be an understandable instinct,
given that the amendments have been proposed by Conservative MPs, to
vote against them on principle, or to avoid voting for them in the hope
of the whole Bill being voted down, I urge you to act in the national
interest and make this loosely drafted legislation into something which
the whole parliament can get behind and which will protect our
sovereignty against the encroachment of the EU. While (as you may have
guessed), I didn't vote for yourself (Conservative, not UKIP, although
definitely on the Hannan/Carswell wing...), I urge you to support these
amendments as being in the best interests of your constituents.

Also, good work on supporting the No2AV campaign, the concept of
referendums on important matters is an excellent one, but frankly AV
does nothing to help reassure voters that their representatives are
actually....representative! Open Primary ballots and citizen-initiated
recall mechanisms on the other hand I can definitely get behind.

Hope you're having a good new year and Paul Staines (aka Guido Fawkes)
has stopped giving you quite so much grief,

Yours sincerely,

Daniel Bond